Manipura - Activating your Sun Center (An Exclusive Chakra Workshop)

Manipura - Activating your Sun Center

Whether you accept it or not, Chakras play an important role in your Life. Just like any other organ of your body, Chakras play an individual as well as an inter-dependent role in your survival and wellbeing. They are those Energy Vortexes which absorbs Energy from the Universe, the environment which surrounds us, the people around us and almost any and everything which can trans-receive Energy.

A balanced flow of this Energy keeps us physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fit. Chakras can also be described as the non-physical gate-ways, linking Energy to our Physical body. They regulate the inflow and the outflow of Energy in our body. All-in-All there are 236 small, mid & large sized Chakras in our body. Seven of these 236 Chakras are the Large or the Major Chakras.

Depending on whether the Chakra is unblocked or blocked i.e. balanced or imbalanced each of these Energy vortex can drastically affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of being. Chakras clear of any blockages i.e. Balanced Chakras, allows the Pran or the Life force to circulate easily asserting a healthy, balanced and an enlightened existence.
Among the Seven Major Chakras, shines at the centre of your body, the third chakra – the Manipura. As the name goes Mani means Jewel and Pura stands for City, calling it the Jewel City

Located at the solar plexus, the third centre of Life Force is associated with learn and comprehending abilities, governing your Ego and your Will. This is the Chakra which empowers your Mind, uplifting you from fulfilling your basic Life’s necessities to generating and achieving Life’s glorifying demands.A Strong and a Healthy Manipura i.e. a balanced Manipura, with its natural fire will radiate confidence, warmth, well-being and friendliness. Being related to light, fire and sight, your mind or the City of Jewels – The City of Success, Achievements and Materialistic gains.

It empowers you with ‘The Ability to Choose, Select and Have’ your wants, at your will. A balanced Manipur Chakra nurtures your Mind with Goal Oriented Stability and sends out vibes destroying hurdles, hindrances which creates complicated circumstances or situations responsible for keeping you away from achieving your materialistic goals.
On a physical level the Manipura regulates the function of the Pancreas, the Liver, the Gall Bladder, all the Digestive organs and the Urinary Bladder. The fire of the Manipura not only
converts food into energy but also helps in storing the energy in the liver and later supplementing it to cell of our body for cellular metabolism and physical activity. It is the Manipura which regulates the insulin and the pancreatic enzymes produced by the Pancreas. The insulin regulates the level of blood-glucose level and carbohydrate metabolism. While the pancreatic enzymes maintain the Fat and protein balance.
The element of the Manipura is Fire and hence this Chakra holds the power to transform. Transformation being the key to Evolution, this Chakra helps in Evolving our state of being – From Rags to Riches, From Unhealthy state to Healthy being and from Followers to being a Leader.
Being related to the subtle energy of Fire this Chakra is known to develop a Magnetic personality. It favors the development of qualities like self-confidence, perfect health, dynamism, adventurous spirit, willpower, correct assimilation of food, high level of physical and mental energy and endurance, the capacity to work long without getting tired. Actually you become a power bank of enthusiasm and optimism.
When the Manipura chakra becomes unstably you may witness symptoms like excessive body heat or feeling cold, high or low blood pressure, hot or cold flushes and sweat. You may become more aggressive and domineering in seeking power over others or trying to control people or would lack self-esteem, low confidence or an inability to assert and commit yourself. You may face Digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation or Diarrhea, Gastric pains, Intestinal tumors or Stomach Ulcers. A prolonged imbalanced of the Manipura may result in chronic issues like Diabetes, Hepatitis, High Cholesterol, Gall Stones, Diseases of the Liver and Pancreatitis. An imbalance in the Manipura is even physically noticed as muscle cramps, spasm, difficulty in breathing, tiredness or lethargy, obesity, sciatica or lower back pain, knee pain or even arthritis.

A Strong and a Healthy Manipura i.e. a balanced Manipura, with its natural fire will radiate confidence, warmth, well-being and friendliness. Being related to light, fire and sight, your mind becomes clearer and your thoughts and actions become more organized. You feel in control of yourselves and your life, you are able to make better and prompt decisions and can easily extract the essential message from, what is told to you, or from the prevailing circumstances or situations. You would tend to eat and digest food healthy and physically be energetic, active and live.
On Spiritual grounds Manipura is the first Chakra to uplift you from the unconscious spiritual state to a conscious one, it is here that you understand the real sense of being in the world surrounded by many and to act as an individual. Without the realisation of Individualism you would fail to understand that you are designed to nurture Thy Universe and Thy Universe to nurture you. It is this Chakra that taps in the Universal Consciousness and gets us in a self-realisation state.
Being the Sun centre a balanced Manipura radiates dynamism, optimistic and conclusive nature. You become a noticeable positive and an influencing personality, representing Leadership and Goal oriented abilities.
Manipura Workshop is a two day workshop exclusively on the Manipur Chakra. It is an Energy workshop. The following are the topics covered in detail in this workshop.

1.        Introduction to Chakra System.
2.      Introduction to ‘The Manipur Chakra’.
3.      Understanding the Geometry of Manipur Chakra.
4.      Understanding Plexus System Attached.
5.      Recreation of the Manipur.
6.  Understanding the Concentric Layers of the Manipur Chakra.
7.      Understanding Inter-Chakra Fringing.
8.   Understanding how Energy can be channelised in the Manipur & Energy Channeling.
9.      Importance of petal Beeja &  Beeja Ropan.
10.   Activation the layers of Manipura.
11.     Guarding what is absorbed by the Manipura
12.   Deflecting the Disease linked with Manipura.
13.   Activation of the Wish Circle.

This is a 100% practical workshop and participants would be going through a number of activities which even includes ancient practice required to gain a perfect rhythm and balance of the Manipura. 

After the workshop the participants needs to practice some exercise and rattan at home for 21 days, so if you plan to come for this workshop you need to ascertain that to gain the optimum benefits you will have to invest a few minutes of your time for the next 21 days.

Who should attend this workshop
  • People involved in Sales.
  • People who are involved in a Leadership role.
  • People who wish to improve their Finance flow.
  • People who wish to start or have started a new venture.
  • People who suffer from Digestive disorder.
  • People suffering from issues of Liver, Pancreas and Gall/ Urinary Bladder.
  • People suffering from diabetes.
  • People who wish to reduce or gain their weight.
  • People who wish to escalate their Spiritual Journey.
  • People who wish to uplift their self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • And all those who wish to know in depth ‘The Manipura’

Manipura - Activating your Sun Center (An Exclusive Chakra Workshop) Manipura - Activating your Sun Center (An Exclusive Chakra Workshop) Reviewed by The Soul House on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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